The members of the CMS school board are currently reviewing the CMS pupil assignment policy. Let them know what you think!

Read the Goals and Principles for Pupil Assignment adopted by the Board of Education February 23, 2016.

Two-year timeline for Pupil Assignment planning and implementation.

Email school board members. Tell them YES to fair, equal and excellent educational opportunity for all CMS students; and NO to policies and practices that maintain high-poverty schools and neighborhoods.

Attend school board meetings. The  Board of Education normally meets the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. at the Government Center, 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202

Speak to the school board.
The public is invited to speak to the Board of Education at the first meeting of each month. Speakers have 3 minutes and must call 980-343-5139 before noon on the day of the meeting to sign up to speak.

Sample letter to school board members (feel free to cut, paste and edit if you don\’t have time to compose your own):

I believe it is imperative that the CMS school board focus seriously on finding ways to reduce the racial and economic isolation in so many of our schools. High-poverty schools simply do not provide children with equal opportunities for success. The dismal state of many center-city schools also leads many young families to leave the city for suburban areas – an exodus that has contributed to school overcrowding in those areas. Decades of research has made clear that dynamic, economically and racially diverse schools offer our young people – and thus our community – the greatest possibility for future success. These are the kinds of schools that many young families are looking for. Our community needs more of them.

School Board Members

Mary McCray, Chairperson At-Large

Elyse Dashew, Vice Chairperson At-Large

Ericka Ellis Stewart, Member At-Large

Rhonda Lennon, District 1

Thelma Byers-Bailey, Esq., District 2

Ruby Jones, District 3

Tom Tate, District 4   

Eric Davis, District 5

Paul Bailey, District 6

You should e-mail all nine board members, but be sure to let your district representative know that you live in that district.

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